Sentences Menu Comments
Flow - This passage is choppy. Rewrite to improve the flow for clarity.
Unclear - Unclear. Rewrite so that your intended meaning is more apparent to the reader.
Filler - The selected text is filler that adds to the length of your paper without adding sufficient value. Remove it and/or rewrite this portion of your paper.
Redundant - This text is repetitive, as you have previously made this point.
Length and Variety
Vary Sentence - Using the same sentence structure over and over throughout a paper makes it a chore to read and can weaken the effectiveness of the text.
Vary Vocabulary - Frequent repetition of similar words weakens prose and discourages people from reading to the end of an essay. Use a wider variety of words to effectively convey intent and increase the readability of the text.
Use Adverb - Vary sentence structure. Begin this sentence with an adverb and set it off with a comma (e.g., Eventually).
Propositional Phrase - Vary sentence structure. Begin this sentence with an prepositional phrase and set it off with a comma (e.g., In the last year, …).
Sentence Length - Vary sentence length.
Confusing Long Sentence - Make sure when writing that the sentence is not so long and wordy that the main point is lost. Complex sentences often strengthen a paper, but only when they convey the point clearly.
Confusing Subject - The subject of your sentence should be easy to understand and clearly connected to the verb. It may help to reorganize the sentence in such a way that relationship between the subjects and verbs is clear.
Interrupting Thought - When a sentence contains an interrupting thought that separates the subject and the verb it can be hard for the reader to grasp the main point of the sentence. Try rearranging the sentence so the interrupting thought is at the beginning or end of the sentence.
Missing Strong Verbs - When a sentence is worded in such a way that the verbs are weak it makes the sentence weak. To strengthen the sentence, erase weak verbs and use the nouns in the sentence to create new strong verbs. Strong verbs are common verbs that change their stem spelling (i.e. do not end in -ed) in the simple past tense and past participle forms (e.g., sing-sang-sung or arise-arose-arisen).
Evidence - You have yet to discuss the evidence or cite any works that support this assertion.
Parallel - Use parallel grammatical structure in this list, such that each item is a verb or a noun or a phrase, e.g., 'eggs, bacon and toast' or 'jumping, riding and sitting.'