Paragraphs Menu Comments
New or No New
New Paragraph - This sentence should be a new paragraph.
No New Paragraph - This sentence should not begin a new paragraph. Combine and integrate this into the previous paragraph to make the organization clearer and more logical.
Too Long or Too Short
Paragraph Too Long - In most writing, excessively long paragraphs should be avoided.
Paragraph Too Short - Avoid short paragraphs (i.e., less than four sentences). Reserve the use of short paragraphs for introductions, conclusions, and lists.
Off Focus - This part of the paper isn’t clearly related to your stated topic. Revise or remove this section to increase the clarity and strength of the text.
State Earlier - This should be introduced earlier in the paper.
State Later - This should be introduced later in the paper.
Connection Unclear - The connection between these ideas is unclear.
Abrupt Change - Abrupt change of focus or topic. Need to start a new paragraph or insert transitional word, phrase or clause.
Illogical Sequence - This paragraph does not logically follow from the previous one.
Not Really New - This information is presented here as if it were new, which it is not (it was mentioned previously).
More Detail - Add additional detail to more fully explain or support this line of thought.
Ease Into Difficult Content - Allow the reader to ease into new information and tough subject matter within the paper. Start the paragraph with familiar information and then slowly introduce the detail and unfamiliar information. Always assume the reader is not as familiar with the subject as the writer.
Introductory Paragraph - This section needs an introductory paragraph to help guide the reader. Introduce the key terms of this section to the reader.
Organize Time - Organize your ideas in paragraph chronologically (i.e., in the order that they occurred).
Organize Spatially - Organize your ideas in this paragraph spatially (e.g., lowest to highest).
Organize Importance - Organize your ideas in order of importance (e.g., most important to least important).
Support and Revision
Support Main Points - Every main point should have direct support from the literature.
More Support - The paragraph needs more support for your point.
Better Support - There are better supports for your argument.
Revise - This section should be revised further.