How to Install GradeAssist for PC
Within 3 business days of purchasing a subscription to GradeAssist, you will receive an email from Educo360, Inc. This email will contain your unique GradeAssist license number. You will need this number to install the product.
Click the installers link to go to the software installers page, and choose your preferred version of GradeAssist.
Open the downloaded program at the bottom of your screen.
Follow the prompted steps for Setup, as shown below.
For the Serial Number, type in the License Number provided in the email you received.
Now provide your user registration information. The "Next" button will unlock when all information is given.
Note: If the "Next" button doesn't unlock even after filling out all the blocks, just try going back and clicking on the "Name" or "Email" block. Clicking out of the "Institution" block should allow the setup to register that all blocks have been completed. Then click "Next."
Once the GradeAssist program has installed, simply open Microsoft Word to begin using GradeAssist.
A new GradeAssist ribbon will automatically be shown at the top of your screen.
Click the GradeAssist tab to view ribbon and begin using program.
(Click on image to zoom)