Headings Menu Comments
Two Subheadings - Avoid the use of single subheadings in a section (Chapter 3, 3.02, p. 62).
Missing - Headings help guide the reader. A heading would go well here.
New Page - This heading should start a new page. Insert a page break here.
Clear Headings - Use clear, concise, and compelling language for names of section headings.
Use Headings - Use section headings and subheadings to guide the reader.
Relationships - Use level of heading to communicate the relationship of passages to one another.
Level 1 - Level 1 headings are centered, in bold print, and in 'Title Case' (Chapter 3, 3.03, pp. 62-63; see Table 3.1 and Figure 2.1).
Level 2 - Level 2 headings are flush left, in bold print, and in 'Title Case' (Chapter 3, 3.03, pp. 62-63; see Table 3.1. and Figure 2.1).
Level 3 - Level 3 headings are indented, in bold print, and in 'Sentence case' (Chapter 3, 3.03, pp. 62-63; see Table 3.1 and Figure 2.1). The first sentence of the paragraph starts on the same line as the heading.
Level 4 - Level 4 headings are indented, in bold print, italics, and in 'Sentence case' (Chapter 3, 3.03, pp. 62-63; see Table 3.1). The first sentence of the paragraph starts on the same line as the heading.
Level 5 - Level 5 headings are indented, NOT BOLD, italics, and in 'Sentence case' (Chapter 3, 3.03, pp. 62-63; see Table 3.1). The first sentence of the paragraph starts on the same line as the heading.
Numbers and Letters
No Numbers or Letters - Headings should not be labeled with numbers or letters (Chapter 3, 3.03, pp. 62-63).