Date Menu Comments
Date - The publication date should follow the author(s) in the reference in parentheses (e.g., Kennedy, A. (2010) (Chapter 6, 6.28, p. 185); (Chapter 7 gives specific examples).
Date Magazines and Newspapers - For magazines and newspapers, the exact date (year, month and day (if available)) should be included in the date parentheses (e.g., Kennedy, A. (2010, January 12)) (Chapter 6, 6.28, p. 185); (Chapter 7 gives specific examples).
Meetings and Symposia - The date for meetings and symposia should include the year and month of the meeting (Chapter 7, 7.04, p. 206).
Date In Press - For a work that has been accepted for publication but has yet to be published use the words 'in press' in place of the date (e.g., Kennedy, A. (in press)) (Chapter 6, 6.28, p. 185).
No Date - Place n. d. in the date parentheses when no date is available (Chapter 6, 6.28, p. 185).
Date Period - There should be a period after the date parentheses (Chapter 6, 6.28, p. 185).