Quotations Menu Comments
Required - When quoting in the text make sure to cite both the author name and the inclusive page number either by citing them parenthetically after the quote or by citing the author before or after introducing the quote and then including the page number at the end of the sentence in parentheses (MLA Chapter 6, 6.3, 216-17).
In-Text Quotations - An in-text quotation should integrate effectively into the sentence and/or paragraph structure of your paper and should appear within double quotation marks
Block Quotes - When quoting a passage that is more than four lines long, set outside of text by starting the quote on a new line, indenting one inch, double spacing, and omitting the surrounding quotation marks (MLA Chapter 3, 3.7.2, 93-4).
Prose - When quoting prose that is less than or equal to four lines long, incorporate it into the text with quote marks (MLA Chapter 3, 3.7.2, 93).
Poetry - Incorporate quotations of poetry in text unless the quote is more than three lines, if the poetry being quoted is more than three lines start a new line, indent one inch, double space, and add no quotation marks. When putting several lines together in a quote use a slash( / ) to indicate the end of each line (Chapter 3, 3.7.3, 95).
Dialogue - Quotations of dialogue between characters should be in a quote set off from the text. Write each character’s name in all capital letters indented one inch and followed by a period and then quote the line for that character. Indent each line that is continued in that character’s speech a quarter of an inch to show the original character is still speaking. Start a new line and use the same rules of indentation for each subsequent character involved in the dialogue (MLA Chapter 3, 3.7.4, 96-7).
Punctuation & Quote Changes
Inside Punctuation - For quotes less than four lines the citation should appear after the quotation mark and before the punctuation (MLA Chapter 3, 3.7.2, 93).
After Punctuation - For block quotes cite the source in parentheses following the quote punctuation (MLA Chapter 3, 3.7.2, 94).
Quote Changes - All direct quotations must be quoted exactly as written in original source with the exception of changing the first letter of the first word quoted to a capital letter. All other changes or omissions from the exact original source when quoting must be indicated (MLA, Chapter 3, 3.7.1, 92-3 and 3.7.6, 101).
Quotation within a Quote - When adding a quote that itself includes a quote, the overall quote should be surrounded by double quotes ( ꞌꞌ ) while the quote-within should be offset by single quotes ( ‘ ) (MLA Chapter 3, 3.7.7, 102).
Quote Ellipses - An ellipsis ( … ) can be used to signify an omission of a word, sentence, or phrase from a quote (MLA, Chapter 3, 3.7.5, 97-100).
Quote Meaning - Ensure that any changes or omissions to quotes do not alter the meaning intended by the author of the original passage (MLA, Chapter 3, 3.7.5, 97-100).
Quote Shorten - This quote includes material that is off-topic, filler, or unnecessary. Edit it to remove superfluous text while maintaining the author’s original meaning (MLA, Chapter 3, 3.7.5, 97-100).
More Punctuation
Integrate Quote - Integrate this quote into the sentence so that it makes sense and is grammatically correct.
Intro Phrase Comma - A phrase that introduces a quote should be followed by a comma.
Intro Clause Colon - A clause that introduces a quote should be followed by a colon.
No Preceding Punctuation - This quotation does not need any preceding punctuation.