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Title Page
Title Page Requirements - Unless otherwise specified by the professor, the title page is typically the first page of the paper and includes the title and subtitle centered on the upper half of the page. The student's name, course title, and date should be centered on the bottom half of the page (Turabian A.2.1, p. 376-377; see figure A.1).
Page Numbers - Don't number the first page unless there are several pages of front-matter before the main text. Number all of the body pages and end-matter pages (Turabian A.1.4, p. 373-374).
Title Centered - The title should be centered on the upper half of the page. For titles with main and subtitles, place the main title with colon on one line and the subtitle on a separate line, with a line space between them (Turabian Chapter 2, 2.1.2, p. 376; see figure A.1).
Full Name - The title page/section should include your full name.
Course Title - The title page should include the date (with department and course number) (Chapter 2, 2.1.2, p. 376).
Date - The title page should include the date (Chapter 2, 2.1.2, p. 376).
Name-Course-Date Centered - The student's name, course title, and date should be centered on the bottom half of the page (Turabian A.2.1, p. 376-377; see figure A.1).
Title Content - The title should be both accurate and specific to the content of the paper (Turabian Chapter 10, 10.3, p. 110).
Too Long - The title is too long. A good title is typically no longer than 15 words.
Too Short - The title is too short. The title is not sufficiently descriptive of the paper.
Key Concepts - The key concepts from your paper should be included in the title of your paper.
Abbreviations - Titles with abbreviations and acronyms can reduce title clarity.
Subtitle - Appropriate use of subtitles can prepare the reader for the paper content. A good subtitle would work well here.
Positive & Constructive
Dull Title - The title needs to be more compelling to encourage potential readers to move beyond the first page.
Catchy Title - Really great title. It describes the content of your paper in a compelling way.
Nice Title Page - Nice work on the title page!