Author-Date Menu Comments
Author Organization
Author Name - If the bibliography is ordered alphabetically, the surname of the author should appear first in the entry.
Multiple Authors - All authors are typically included in the reference.
Organization Author - When an organization is the author, be sure to include the full name of the organization.
No Author - In works with no author, the title takes the author position.
Author Editors - When referencing an edited book (not a chapter in an edited book) the editors of the book should take the place of the author name.
Editor Name
Editor Name - When referencing an edited book the editors should be included immediately following the chapter title (e.g., In A. B. Kennedy (Ed.), Title of Work Goes Here or Edited by A. B. Kennedy (Ed.), Title of Work Goes Here).
Date - The publication date should be included in the reference. If there is no date, just place n.d. in place of the publication date.